Save the Date 4.15.10 539 King Street, Charleston, SC 29403
Welcome to the world, Amelia Clay!

We are frequent visitors to Graphic-Exchange, a blog by graphic designer Fabien Barral. He posts work by other designers, photographers and illustrators from all over the world that inspire him. His posts are by invitation only, so needless to say we were floored to find ourselves there today. On Tuesday, March 9, we were featured on Graphic-Exchange. What an honor! If you've never visited Graphic-Exchange, you're in for a treat!

Caroline and Jon came to us looking for a simple save the date for their wedding this June. They both have a classic sensibility and share a love of simple type and the South Carolina landscape. The combination of their styles and interests made for a handsome set. We printed the invite with two color letterpress on 200lb Crane's stock, and sealed it with Magnoni envelopes with a custom two color letterpress liner.